Saturday, October 9, 2010

the need @ berbati's

my friend and I were making squash tacos and she brought up that the need were playing that evening. a lady roadie friend for the first band got us tickets and away we went.

it was a black metal showcase sorta. upon arrival, I ran into an old acquaintance who promised the next band ruled, but it was an uninspired melvins copy. the audience was primarily men in ragged black; my friend and I wearing between us a floral print dress and a purple knit jumpsuit.

anyhow, a miraculous gender swap occurred: as the need was setting up, the arc of audience transformed to primarily women. they played partially as a three piece, with the third, a younger woman, supplying supplemental percussive elements. in one transition between songs, she stepped to the front with a baseball bat swung over one shoulder. a shiny new aluminum trash bin was rolled out, and she bashed it flat to the beat over the course of the song. at another point, rachel carns pulled off her shirt to reveal the clean line across her chest of a post-mastectomy scar. the set was amazing. a call out for witches to dance on the stage occurred. women united will never be defeated.

and then another black metal band set up and the men returned.

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