Friday, March 19, 2010

may sonic, part one (men)

Some photos here from the philadelphia grand lodge. The second is my favorite, he was hanging in the gothic-themed knights templar hall where everything was hand carved. The men hung everywhere throughout the building. Even a cheeky george wa. But really, this generally sucks. I (very) briefly dated a mason who told me there is a co-ed sect in france, but otherwise, it is all dudes. Nothing for the ladies. I couldn't even find a bathroom marked such. I had to ask the bookstore lady and she directed me to the "family" closet.

SO! I am pretty stoked then about this lecture coming up about Women in Freemasonry, by the woman who wrote my favorite book on Leonora Carrington.

I shook the hand of a man as I was leaving the temple. It felt good, as I was menstruating, and while they are not specifically follows of Judaism, they incorporate enough of it for me to feel empowered by that simple action of contact.

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