Wednesday, March 24, 2010

five of wands

Whatever I had originally intended to post has been dissolved by this amazing photo set which leads me believe I can do anything I want and it will all be cool. (ex.)

Super-awesome & kindof quandaried. Listened to this song on repeat after the original writer passed.

Maybe you all have heard this jam band below but I find it wonderful still after many listenings. (This supplemental document might help.) (More jelly jam dreams here.) I already feel better about everything.


samuela said...

of course you can do what you want and it will all be's amazing and saddening when our minds tell us otherwise. like holding a grudge with our feet. marry them until death do them part.

Sandra said...

Oh dear god, that tarot deck is one of the funniest things EVER.

Can we make color copies and laminate a deck??? The future is looking bright

Braidedbraids said...

Sandra~ ABSOLUTELY! But too, while it is humorous I also find it incredibly empowering. They just look so content.

Sam~ Yes, and too I often think it is a conflict between hemispheres of my brain.