Woo, I just bound up a bunch of copies of a drawing zine called MOSS-LESS. It collects drawings from my first nine months living in Brooklyn. It is my first foray into mass production. Most of my book forms of yonder past have been special editions of one. Still learning about copiers, but whatevs.
W o u l d y o u l i k e o n e ?
Yes I would!
Oh yes. I can also help you with copier issues too.
oh please oh please send me one! I'll send you shipping moneys!
joel-dude, it's en route! lindsey- fb me yr address, courtney- thx
i want one! would you like me to distribute in olympia?
good idea hannah!
I have one!~ but alas, don't know how to get in touch with you other than your po box. we met at dance dance library revolution, thought each other looked familiar, and i was excited you don't know any acrobats. Let's play!
write me at gmail: erinfae@....
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