Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Narrative Thread show

photos from lyonswierortt.com

I stumbled upon this fantastic fiber arts show at Lyons Wier Ortt gallery in Chelsea. The above portrait is all embroidered, about a foot tall. There was also work by the amazing Nava Lubelski:

It was co-curated by Orly Cogan, a new favorite. Her work is really familiar, using domestic imagery in a domestic arts context. But it layers upon itself creating a new domestic dimension:

There was a lot of other work, I included some of the pretty stuff here. There was some crass and strange and silly work as well. I enjoyed the show as a whole. It was really exactly what I look for in an art show.

Lyons Wier • Ortt Gallery is located at 175 7th Avenue (at 2oth st) in new york. The show is up until the end of this month.

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