Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good BYE! See you in the FUTURE!

This blog is finally taking its leave. It was great while I was in NY, but back on the good coast, it is time for something new. In the interim, I'll keep tumblr-ing and flickr-ing.
Thanks for the good times!


m said...

this was a really great blog. i used to be in NY too; maybe searching for something i was into or that was happening lead me to find it. i can't remember what, now. did you ever see that film, 'a married couple'?, by allan king? it feels like it should fit somewhere between some of the pictures here; kinda shrouded in soft light, warm pictures of cold mornings.

Braidedbraids said...

thanks for the kind words, stranger. NY is searching but also an escape, it seems. I don't miss it, but may be nostalgic for where my head was. I read my dream journal from then and it was all foreign now. I have not seen 'a married couple, but will keep an eye out. best regards.