Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The new issue of Library Journal has an article exploring and defining goth rock, so as to aid librarians in user advisory. The list of albums is exactly what I was into around ten years ago. I owned every album on the list. The sun used to rise and set around Nick Cave. It may or may not have helped that my boyfriend at the time adopted a similar appearance. When I watched Wings of Desire for the first time it blew my mind in that excited way when all your interests are assembled into one piece of cultural output.

I have taken to following this tumblr lately out of pure nostalgia. When Rowland S. Howard died there was a great memorial of photos and memories. The anonymous-ish blogger answers questions about goth-dom and it is all very charming. The above mentioned article has a "web exclusive" that includes a list of newer bands in the style. That tumblr is all over such bands.

I got a cassette of Murder Ballads on a whim, but I think a lot of it stemmed from blindly ordering Honeymoon in Red (on which the Birthday Party participate) some time in high school. Lydia Lunch was a gateway drug. I had a copy of Sonic Youth's Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star, but their collab on Death Valley 69 was it:

At some point years later it all lost meaning.

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