Friday, February 19, 2010

evangelista @ ash's place

from the show last night. Thrones played after.


Anthony said...

Hi - so I'm a lover of all things Evangelista and all things Carla Bozulich and I've been searching for coverage of the shows Thursday and Saturday. I'm actually in this video bobbing my head near the bottom and I posted a comment on YouTube to you. I just wanted to say, though, while I kinda think you were at that show for the Thrones, I've just been going through your blog and finding not only my obsessions but obsessions of dear friends past and present. And any artist that I'm not familiar with is endlessly interesting. You're fantastic. So I wanted to tell you that you've reinforced my faith in both humanity and NY. Thank you for that.

Braidedbraids said...

I was totally there for Thrones, but I am into Evangelista as well! I'm glad you like what you have found on my blog. New York is wicked strange and sometimes utterly dull so I am happy to reinforce any faiths. I appreciate such kind words.