Monday, September 14, 2009

crystallize your head-dress

Hey everyone - I have been a busybee with school being back, et cetera. I like to update something here, but sometimes I forget what it means to blog. Here is me pretending for the moment. I had this idea about human energy overhead that someone else represented quite well above on some MONH creatures. I don't know who they are but their image floats around a net, caught.
Love a witch:
I have been reading a lot of books and making necklaces - wearing one now made from yellow calcite bought in greece. I would like to be making more books, and even more necklaces. This image summarizes my interests, but it also looks like a burden, which I don't really find it to be. I think this person-artist is an etsy-er.

I am tracing my matrilineage - tracking my (their?) mitochondria. Here is a record where I made a discovery:

It is still in this country, I have not tracked the ladies (only the grandpas) back to Norway, which looks like this:

What else is news? Listening to a lot of Deradoorian and Julianna Barwick. Saw Gowns a couple nights ago and it was real good. Saw the Baader-Meinhof Komplex and it was stunning, explicit, and concise. (The only other ever film on the topic I saw was Bruce LaBruce's Raspberry Reich at OFS) I also watched David Cross put Jonathan Ames over his knee and paddle him in Borough Hall Park at the Brooklyn Book Festival yesterday. I love books.


Jack Napier said...

I love those "over head energy" bubbles on the deer! what is the MONH?

good luck on the matrilineage!

Braidedbraids said...

Museum of Natural History! I was abbrevviiinggg. abb. abrv.

Thanks yo. I hope I get to Lapland with the matrilineage!